Cleanse at Bartram's Garden

7:00PM to 9:00PM

56th Street bandstand


Imagining Visual Healing Together

CLEANSE is a series of video projections that uses images, messages, color, and light to support collective visual healing in public spaces. CLEANSE will include images of artwork, animated projections, and films from local artists to encourage dialogue around the push for new collective histories and continued fight for equity and anti-racism in our city. CLEANSE is a collective idea developed by local artists and cultural workers offering their creative skills and resources to respond to this critical moment.

The CLEANSE team of artists and cultural workers organizing this idea include Michelle Angela Ortiz, Ricardo Rivera & Michelle Barbieri (Klip Collective), Lori Waselchuk, and Paul Farber.

Raymond W Holman Jr Shanel Edwards Klip Collective Alex Shaw Lela Aisha Jones FlyGround Muthi Reed Aidan Un Paul Farber Lori Waselchuk